Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Autumn in Australia

This scrapbook page was an entry in the Simply My Digital Studio Challenge for Monday, 21st October 2013. The Challenge required a page including photos depicting the changing colours of autumn.

I'm not a rabid photographer, and our trees have already prepared their summer clothing...but thankfully, these photos were in the stash from a bus trip we took to Lake Canobolas and the Carcoar area, in 2005.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Bike Racing

The bicycle was a valued mode of transport between 1930 and 1940. Colin was given an old bicycle when he was about eight and in his teenage years he and his brother began bike racing. This was a very popular sport in those years, and we tend to forget that the roads back then were far from the surfaces we have today, being mostly dirt, or at the very best, gravel.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

High Street and Albert Street

My late husband, Colin and his family lived in High Street, Parkes - in fact, Colin was born in 1920 in the nursing home directly opposite his home. Colin's father was accidentally killed in 1924 and so Colin's mother opened a mixed grocery shop in her front room, to help make ends meet. No pensions were available in those days.

Colin's mother, Amy became friends with Lindsay Smith, a widower with five children, who lived in the next street. The Smith children and the Hendry children were of similar age and were already friends, and in due course Amy and Lindsay were married.  Amy and her three children moved to Lindsay's house in Albert Street and the two families became one.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Holidays at Manly

Col and I enjoyed three wonderful holidays in Manly, thanks to the generosity of Tony and Helen Bernardi, who gave us the use of their flat for three weeks during the years 1993 to 1995. Below is a two-page scrapbooking spread of our Manly holidays.

Here is the second page of a two-page spread of our holidays in Manly. One of the highlights of our vacation there each year was to visit the Society of Australian Genealogists, in Sydney's historic Rocks area, and further our family research. This was very fruitful, as the story below testifies.